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Special Pitch with higher softening point
Product Presentation:
Production capacity over 1,000 tons/Y, Higher carbon yield,Higher softening point,Less bensopyrene,Higher mesophase content,Self-sintering and forms firm carbon-bonding
Casting agent for iron-making plant refractories,Repair spray for steel-making plant refractories,and used as base material for our Functional Graphite Powder(for negative electrodes of rechargeable Lithium ion battery)

六安市| 蕉岭县| 常德市| 漳平市| 朝阳县| 梧州市| 新昌县| 镇远县| 双柏县| 台山市| 建湖县| 丰台区| 新民市| 揭西县| 甘孜| 南通市| 临沧市| 鄂温| 清河县| 江陵县| 泽库县| 永川市| 华池县| 夏津县| 平江县| 松溪县| 化隆| 余庆县| 中山市| 南郑县| 岳普湖县| 延津县| 宝鸡市| 嘉黎县| 宾阳县| 农安县| 自治县| 兴文县| 墨竹工卡县| 崇义县| 镇远县|