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Core Culture

Core Culture: Wei Jiao Soul
The soul of Weijiao is the essence of the Weijiao culture, the soul of the Weijiao people who are stubborn and unwilling to lose, the spiritual pillar of the Weijiao people who are brave to break through and take the responsibility, and are the dedication and rigorous beliefs and hearts of the Weijiao people Is a lighthouse that guides Weijiao to the vast sea...
Hard work-perseverance, hard work
Responsibility-Pursue ideals, keep mission in mind, be courageous and take responsibility
Innovation-Advocating innovation, initiative innovation, and self-breaking
Harmony-Tolerance, Thickness, Health and Win-win
五原县| 冷水江市| 连江县| 安陆市| 毕节市| 吉林市| 叶城县| 察隅县| 库车县| 兴文县| 石屏县| 六盘水市| 资兴市| 蓝田县| 辰溪县| 沈丘县| 永顺县| 邢台县| 潮州市| 罗城| 通海县| 茂名市| 余姚市| 福贡县| 辽中县| 密山市| 潮安县| 武鸣县| 同德县| 汤原县| 太仓市| 库伦旗| 江阴市| 龙南县| 原平市| 南投市| 太保市| 南平市| 南郑县| 冕宁县| 调兵山市|