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Source of Power

In the process of operating an enterprise, we have summarized and refined some concepts that are more general and practical. As an integral part of Weijiao culture, it has formed a relatively independent and perfect system, which is essential in practice. Has become the source of power for the healthy development of enterprises ...
Clenching two "targets"-
Enterprise development goals-beautiful ecological environment, strong competitive strength and good development prospects
Employees pursue goals-high salaries, good health, family and neighbors
Keep in mind the three "standards"-
Working standards-Lean creates value, details determine success or failure
Standards for good employees-dedication, due diligence, gratitude
Standards-create benefits for enterprises and increase income for employees
Implement the three "four"-
Four measures-promote transformation with innovation, seek efficiency with management, seek development with service, and guarantee with talents
Four supports-strategic support, technical support, management support, cultural support
Four Perseverances-Persisting in unwavering scientific development, persevering in reform and innovation, persevering in refined management, persevering in "dual dependence" and "dual improvement"
Practice the four "three"-
Three best-people use their talents, materials and resources, and money and resources
Three wards-stick to ideals and beliefs, abide by system norms, guard the bottom line of principles
Three Lectures—Speak subjectively before the objective, speak methods before the difficult, and dedication before the hard work
Three forces-the power of truth, the power of personality, the power of emotion
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